Leptotes plinius (Fabricius) - ²Ó¦Ç½º - Tailed Jay
The first record in Hong Kong Life history of Leptotes plinius (Fabricius) - (Family Lycaenidae) by photographs
Egg |
Caterpilla / Larva-1 |
Caterpilla / Larva-2 |
Caterpilla / Larva-3 |
Caterpilla / Larva-4 |
Caterpilla / Larva-5 |
Caterpilla / Larva-7 |
Chrysalis / Pupa |
Adult |
Adult |
Adult |
Adult |
Plumbago zeylanica L. (Plumbaginaceae) |
The Butterfly - It was discovered by Vor Yiu during a HKLG field trip to Lai Chi Wo in December 1998. Since then, the butterfly was also observed in Kat O.
Egg - greenish, disc-like with pits, laid singly between flower buds of its host plant; about 0.5mm in diameter and 0.3mm in height.
Caterpillar / larva - hatch in about 4 days; yellowish in colour covered with tiny spines; grow from about 2.0mm to 1.1 cm in length and feed only on flower petals and buds.
Chrysalis / pupa - brownish in colour attached its abdomen to twig or leaf, about 7.5mm in length; adult to emerge in about 13 days.
Adult - swift flyer with dimorphic sexes; feed readily on flowers.
Location sighted - Lai Chi Wo and Kat O (Crooked Island).
Status - very rare.
Wing span - approximately 2.5 to 3.0 cm.
Flight period / time of year - January, June, July and December (possibly other months as well).
(Prepared by J. J. Young)
This page was created on November 29th, 2000.
©2004 Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society Limited