Tajuria cippus (Fabricius, 1798) - Âù§À¦Ç½º - Peacock Royal


Life history of Tajuria cippus - Family Lycaenidae by photographs

Egg Caterpilla / Larva Chrysalis / Pupa

Male Female Taxillus chinensis (D.C.) (Loranthaceae)

Taxillus chinensis (D.C.) (Loranthaceae)    

NAME OF FOOD PLANT - Taxillus chinensis (D.C.) (Loranthaceae)

OTHER RECORDED FOOD PLANTS - Scurrula parasiticus L. (Loranthaceae) / Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) (Loranthaceae)

EGG - The egg is creamy yellowish in colour and is in a dome-shaped. It is laid on leaf stalk and measures approximately 0.7mm in diameter and 0.6mm in height.

CATERPILLAR / LARVA - The larva will rest on top of leaf of its host plant and resemble bird droppings for camouflage. It measures from 1.5mm to 2.0cm in length.

CHRYSALIS / PUPA - The larva will attach its abdomen to a twig when the time is ready to pupate. The pupa is brownish and blends well with the twig on which it attaches. It is about 1.3cm in length.

ADULT - Tajuria cippus is one of the most beautiful butterflies in Hong Kong. The male (left photograph) has iridescent blue scales on its upper forewings. They do not seem to feed at all.

LOCATION SIGHTED - throughout Hong Kong where mistletoes are found.

STATUS - uncommon.

WING SPAN - 3.5 to 4.0 cm.

FLIGHT PERIOD / TIME OF YEAR - April to October.

(Prepared by J. J. Young)

This page was created on 6th December, 2000.


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