New butterfly record in Hong Kong
1) Neptis miah
According to AFCD, a Neptis miah Moore, 1857 was caught by Philip Lo at Lantau Country Park in December last year. This butterfly has a wide distribution ranging from India, Bhutan, Thailand, and Malaysia eastward to western China, Hainan and Guangdong ( see Cheni's web-site at and butterfly checklist ). Seven subspecies are described. The Hainan subspecies is recognized as N. miah nolana Druce and the Guangdong subspecies belongs to N. miah disopa Swinhoe.
N. miah disopa Swinhoe taken at NanLing, Guangdong, 7th June, 2004 |
I have not seen the specimen. It resembles the common Pantoporia hordonia Stoll, 1790. Apart from orange upperwings, I reckon it may be a bit darker as shown in other subspecies over its entire range. The post discal streak is narrower and pointed. The whole Neptini is a difficult group and many species are alike. In fact, there may be a few unrecorded species flying in Hong Kong, which may be mistaken as the common N. hordonia or other brownish Neptis, like N. clinia Moore. A couple of more Neptis spp. with orange upperwings are recorded in Guangdong by Cheni.
Update : Check out the photos at Neptis miah photo 01 and Neptis miah photo 02
2) Catsopsilia scylla Linnaeus
Catsopsilia scylla Linnaeus, 1764 is finally recorded in Hong Kong during the recent butterfly survey hosted by Green Power. A male specimen was collected in Lung Kwu Tan this year. It resembles and has the same habits as the other Catospsilla spp. found commonly throughout Hong Kong. I personally recall seeing one many years ago in Lung KwuTan flying high up around the streambed opposite the temple at the back of the village houses at high noon. Anyhow, it is now confirmed and should spread to the rest of Hong Kong in a few years to come.
Well done to those who found the record!
©2004 Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society Limited