Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society - News

Charitable Institution status
to H.K. Lepidopterists' Society

14th August 1999

            The HKLS treasurer today received official notice and certification from the Hong Kong Government (Inland Revenue) that the Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society Limited was registered on 3rd July 1999 with the Inland Revenue Dept. as a Charitable Institution under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.
            This means that the HKLS will now be able to push ahead with planned conservation of Hong Kong's butterflies and moths by applying for funding to enable the HKLS's recording, monitoring and educational projects in development to possibly be put into practice.
            The charitable status will also allow applicants for HKLS membership a few extra dollars tax deduction, as well as the HKLS becoming a tax exempt company (as a charitable institution of a public character).